Bringing Up An Ecobaby

by Harry

By Harry Loney

Being an ecobaby in this modern world can’t be easy.

Have you heard about that chap who thinks all human beings should just die out so that the planet can start to recover? He doesn’t think we should be having any kids. He’s called Les Knight, and he’s the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. And fair play to him, he strongly believes in this stuff, to the extent that he had a vasectomy at 25. 

As father of two kids, I often look back and dream of being so forward looking on the vasectomy front (JOKE! I love my kids please don’t send hate mail). Whilst I care deeply for the environment, I don’t agree we should all just stop reproducing and wait for death. However, I do believe we can all take measures to make our lives more environmentally friendly, and introduce our kids to this concept from the start. 

cute baby with fruit basket on head

Eco clothing

You should definitely take a look at our blog on eco nappies for a start. This is something you can start before your new ecobaby even leaves the hospital.

There is also a great range of eco-clothing available for babies. These are organic, sustainable and environmentally friendly. One of our favourite is Frugi. This is a British brand which is ethical and produces some fantastic and comfortable clothes. 

Toby Tiger is another good one. They have been producing organic clothes since 1998, and they are wonderful things. Bright and colourful, they – wait for it – don’t cost the Earth. (I’ve been told I can use that phrase just once in this post, and I decided now was the time. #NoRegrets)

Eco plates

Even baby plates and bowls can be environmentally friendly! Babipur are one such example. They sell bamboo cutlery, plates, cups, the whole lot. They are BPA-free and look gorgeous. There are loads of places you can buy environmentally friendly baby accessories, including Boobalou.

A range of environmentaly friendly eco toys and clothes

Eco toys

Rule number 1 of Eco club – don’t buy plastic toys from new. 

Rule number 2 of Eco club – tell as many people as you can because plastic really is a pretty big problem guys. Come on. 

If you have to buy a plastic toy – and there’s many reasons why you would, like a tricycle or trampoline – then try getting it second hand. Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace are great for this. Second-hand shops are also a terrific place to look. 

There are an increasing number of toys available now that are made from sustainable and/or reusable sources. Have a look at for example, to see the wide range available for your little green baby. (Green as in environment, not Martian.)

There’s loads of options available for staying as environmentally friendly as possible without needing to have penis surgery. Why not make a small change now, and see how you and your ecobaby get on?